An initial consultation is required in order to determine if you are a dental implant candidate. A bone scan is taken to examine the jaw bone.
Once approved, the first stage of surgery consists of placing the dental implant or dental implants into the jaw bone beneath the gum tissue. The gums are then stitched back into place. A healing period of 4-6 months is then required for adequate bonding of the dental implant into the jaw bone.
After healing, the second stage of surgery can begin. A special abutment is screwed into your dental implant. This abutment is used to attach the dental implant crown to the dental implant.
Although there is a required healing time for the dental implant to integrate into the jaw bone, often stage one and two of surgery can be done at the same time.
After the abutment is placed, a dental implant crown is fabricated and screwed into your dental implant. This step often takes two appointments, as the dentist must send the dental implant crown tooth to the lab for fabrication.
In certain situations, dental implants and their dental implant crowns can be done in the same day. This is especially important for those who are missing front teeth. You would leave with teeth, all in one day!